The digital age is quickly transforming the face of business. Businesses that fail to keep up with the times are falling prey to digital disruption, losing volume and profits.

  1. Avoid Digital Disruption.

Nowadays, the educated consumer will do a great deal of research before purchasing goods or services. In order to avoid digital disruption, it’s important to invest the money, time and effort to making sure you have good content that potential customers can access. Stay ahead of the curve and you’ll show consumers that you care enough to meet their expectations—and that you’re savvy enough to keep up with the times.

  1. Connect to Your Customers.

A website is great, sure, but you have to do so much more in today’s business world. Customers want to be able to get a hold of you, ask questions, compare prices, do business—from their mobile devices.

Instead of fighting change, you need to better understand how your customers are using mobile devices and social networks. Follow them digitally and you’ll be able to build better relationships and attract more business in the long run!

  1. Continue Adapting—It Takes Time.

In order to stay competitive, you have to evolve with technology. Keep someone on staff whose job it is to constantly brush up on new tech and engage with customers via social media. Develop an app (if applicable) to make it easier for customers and employees to interact with you. Digital tools like this can open portals through which you can bring in clients you never would have sold before! If it’s bringing you money, why not?!

Want more tips? There’s always advice to be had at Beaton Accounting. Our experts are here, ready to answer your questions at a moment’s notice. For a FREE tax consultation, call today! (631) 921-6894.


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